The work planned in the GANNDALF project will be carried out in seven (7) work packages (WPs)

WP 1 | Project Management

The Project Management WP, will focus on:

  • Establishing strong management and communication with the European Commission
  • Ensuring unified scientific and technical direction
  • Meeting objectives on time
  •  Promote partner collaboration
  • Conduct quality assurance
  • Monitor progress with corrective actions
  • Manage legal aspects
  • Ensure ethical AI and data management


WP2 | The GANNDALF Touchbase

The GANNDALF Touchbase WP, will focus on:

  • Defining GANNDALF’s role in shaping the future of collaborative crime investigation, addressing the latest needs of LEAs and stakeholders
  • Identifying critical updates in tools and technologies since the project’s inception
  • Refining the architecture of the GANNDALF solution, including validation scenarios and use cases
  • Establishing a human-centric approach, engaging citizens, and assessing the societal impact of the project

WP3 | GANNDALF modular decision support and crime investigation tools

WP3 will focus on:

  •  Implementing human-swarm collaboration intelligence to support collaborative investigations
  • Enhancing knowledge modeling and correlation through large language models (LLMs)
  • Deploying a diverse set of crime detection tools for various types of cybercrimes
  • Designing a mechanism to analyse and present behavioral insights for optimised investigation results, customised to the needs of LEAs

WP4 | Towards optimised agency-to-agency data sharing

WP4 will focus on:

  • Analyzing and optimising privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) for secure data sharing in LEAs
  • Deploying explainability and transparency mechanisms in agency collaborations
  • Delivering a mechanism to balance privacy and transparency on a case-by-case basis
  • Implementing trustworthy data management infrastructures and establishing strong collaboration with the EUROPOL innovation lab.

WP5 | Policy drafting and training mechanisms

WP5 will focus on:

  • Designing multilingual and multi-purpose training curricula and delivering training for diverse audiences
  • Developing mechanisms for policy drafting and best practices tailored to the needs of LEAs, judicial networks, and public authorities
  •  Providing tailored recommendations for public cybercrime awareness actions and organising their execution
  • Promoting active citizen engagement in cybercrime prevention and investigation, aligned with the Cyber Hygiene 2.0 vision

WP6 | Realising and evaluating real-time collaboration: The GANNDALF sandbox and validation of offerings

WP6 will focus on:

  • Deploying user-friendly interfaces to facilitate efficient communication between stakeholders and the GANNDALF system
  • Delivering the collaborative, multi-stakeholder investigation sandbox for enhanced investigations
  • Refining pilot scenarios and ensuring continuous monitoring of piloting activities
  • Assessing and evaluating project outcomes through pilots, using agile approaches for continuous service improvement

WP7 | GANNDALF outreach: Dissemination, Communication and Pathway towards the full exploitation by LEAs

WP7 will focus on:

  • Creating the visual identity of GANNDALF, including traditional materials, online tools, and audio-visual content
  • Raising awareness by engaging key stakeholders through outreach activities, international events, and INFO days
  • Developing and implementing the project’s dissemination and communication strategy, including social presence and EU collaborations
  • Continuously refining and updating the GANNDALF exploitation strategy